Friday, September 12, 2008

Easy Steps To A Six Pack Abs - Is There Any?

Abdominal exercises, no amount of it, will never produce the desired abs if you forget to keep a tab on your diet. For most, a combo of Kegel and abdominal exercises seems to work to some extent.

Abdominal exercises are an excellent means for men to improve the look of their "Six Packs" and women who want a firm, fat free waist. There are many easy, healthy exercises that can tone the muscles around a person's middle, such as Leg Lifts.

Here are a few ab exercises you can do to strengthen your abs:

Crunch on an exercise ball: Sit on the exercise ball with feet flat on the floor. Let the ball roll back slowly and lie back until thighs and torso are parallel with the floor. Crunches are fine, but when was the last time you did a multifidus exercise? How about one for the transversus abdominus?

Stronger, firmer abs are a delight to look and feel. Here I will show you how to build them so that they pop out from a mile. Strong abs stabilize our muscles and joints when we're playing tennis, running, swimming, surfing or just picking up our children.

The abdominals consist of the rectus abdominus (front of the abs), external obliques (sides of the abdomen) and the internal obliques (under the external obliques). Strong ab muscles help you to sit properly without slouching; this supports the lower back and is important for people sitting at a desk for long hours.

Sit-Ups:- Lie on your back with your knee bent and hands alongside your head. Sit up and touch you knee. Situps are also bad for your lower back (see Question 5 ). Sit on the top of a staircase or somewhere where your feet will dangle just a bit. Rest your hands just behind your butt and lean back, raising your knees to your chest.

You can get fantastic guidance from Your Six Pack Quest so you can achieve the rock hard abs you've constantly been thinking about or even if your goal is to just lose those nasty 10 to 30 pounds.

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