Friday, July 31, 2009

Vince DelMonte on Veganism

Vince DelMonte, the creator of Your Six Pack Quest, gives his opinion on "veganism".

Here is an email I received from Vince regarding some opinions on veggie meal plans and why you should add them to your diet even though you are a meat lover like me.

Top 10 Opinions On The Veganism

1. Proper vegans find some very creative and interesting ways to consume all their fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds which are foods the are most easy to become deficient on. Most omnivores, like myself, lack ideas on how to prepare them so I can take a lesson from checking out their delicious recipes.

2. Vegan cookbooks are some of the best books for showing you how to prepare and consume your vegetables in a tasty way.

3. There IS a relationship between eating meat and cancer risks. It's not just speculation. Over 100 published epidemiological studies show a link between eating meat and cancer.

4. The secret to eating meat is to consume the right kind of meat in the right amounts that fits into a overall healthy diet. Eating meat DOES give you high protein, high B vitamins and important vitamins and minerals that you really can't get in any other way unless you supplement. Health and muscle-building are severely compromised if any of these nutrients are missing. That's my TOP argument for meat.

5. The solution isn't to not eat meat. It's to balance out the meat with other healthy foods. Many meat eaters tend to eat less of other healthy things. So their diets tend to be very high in calories, high in saturated fat, low in fiber, low in antioxidants, and low in vitamins and minerals. Introducing even ONE veggie meal into your daily plan would make a difference.

6. There's some pretty compelling evidence that potentially carcinogenic [cancer-causing] compounds are introduced into our bodies when we eat cooked meat. The most problematic seem to be processed meats — lunch meat, canned meats, jerkies — and heavily grilled or charred meat. However, just like guns, meat is not the problem. The person is the problem and with proper knowledge these risks can be managed.

7. I don't believe that's it's fundamentally healthier to be a vegan. Yes, a proper vegan diet is healthier than the typical North American diet. Most vegans believe it's healthier because they got rid of all the fast food, all the sugar, and all the junk making you feel bad. Well, you eliminate those foods not being vegan too!

8. You don't have to be a vegetarian to experience better health. Anybody can get rid of dietary chemicals, processed food, sugar, caffeine, hormones, all that stuff. Just eat more fiber, antioxidants, micronutrients and of course you'll fee great. Better health is rarely a magical vegetarian thing, it's an eating right thing.

9. Vegetarians tend to eat fewer total calories when they first switch to veganism which leads to fast fat loss and more energy.

10. The bottom line is that there will always be athletes and weight lifters who eat meat like a religion and would tell you that you're an idiot if you don't eat meat.

And there will always be vegetarians and vegans who take the exact same approach, just from the other side.

What is Veganism for Vince DelMonte?

I'd say that most vegans probably could use meat in their diets, and most heavy meat eaters could stand to eat a little less. We'd be a healthier society if we agreed to meet in the middle.

Vegan cookbooks and and meal plans are the BEST resource to get more ideas to prepare your fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds to ensure you're creating a balanced environment for muscle growth and to cut off the fat.

That's why you should add the Veggie Meal Plans to your nutrition.

Click on the link below to read more and grab your complete six pack program:

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