Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Your Six Pack Quest New Launch Date

I know you're probably wondering why the links are not yet working. There has been some delays with the launch because they are still doing some finishing touches in the member's area of the Your Six Pack Quest website.

A lot of guys and gals are sending me emails as to when the launch will be but from the latest message that I received from Vince today there is still no fixed date but it would be early next week after the long weekend.

I'm so sorry circumstances did not allow us to launch almost 2 weeks ago as planned. We'll aim to launch early next week.

I'm off to the beach for a few days to bring my blood pressure back down to normal.

Let's give the guy a break he just had months of training for the fitness contest. When he gives the thumbs up update on this, I would immediately post it here for all of you.

That's for now and hope you are not going on food binges as your "prep" on Your Six Pack Quest", that's not the healthy way to do it, ya know :)

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