Saturday, June 28, 2008

Vince DelMonte And His Six Pack Quest Launch

I just received an email from Vince DelMonte a while ago and his probably on stage by now competing for Mr.Chin (swim suit competition) in Toronto. He's a real health buff and this only proves that he practices what he teaches.

Have you marked down Monday, June 30th yet? That's the day of the launch of Vince's new baby "Your Six Pack Quest". He's very excited with the release of this complete ab and fat loss system to the public. And we want to help him to get the word out about how to really transform your body and transform your life.

We want to get the word out that there are NO SHORTCUTS to weight loss or more specifically fat loss. There are no magic pills or magic slimming potions. Well, I agree that this stuff could make you lose weight but only for a short period of time. Stop suffering from YO-YO dieting and focus on long term health.

Whether you want to be "that guy" or "that gal" who turns heads at the beach, on the street or in the gym or if you just want to improve your health, improve your social life, fit back into your clothes and increase your self confidence, you are now one step closer to your goal...even if you have horrible genetics and have tried everything else and failed.

Vince has let us have an early look at the member's area so he'll know what he might be missing out...but all I can tell is he's over delivering. I've been a health advocate for the past 2 years and Your Six Pack Quest has opened my eyes to a lot of misconceptions that I had. Well, let's just say that I've had a lot of "AHA..." and "WTFs..." moments :)

I've actually started on one of his 16 week 3-Day Metabolic workout. This is the first time I've incorporated *PROPER* and not just regular exercise in my personal healthy diet and I've used the 1800 Calories 84-Day Meal plan when I went for groceries this morning.

Vince's new baby will teach you a new outlook on losing weight...a new outlook on life. Watch out for his launch will ya! :)

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